Become a member without a residence permit

Free library card up to 26 years of age

Are you younger than 26 years and have no residence permit? Then you can obtain a free library card from the Amsterdam Public Library (Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam - OBA).

Below is an example of what you can do if you are a member. Still have questions? Then email or visit a library near you.

Free Wi-Fi and computers

As a member of the OBA, you can use the computers (with internet) and wifi network free of charge for 3 hours a day. Come to a library and a staff member will explain how it works.

Practising the Dutch language

Are you learning Dutch? And would you like to practise with other people? Come to a Language café (Taalcafé) or Reading club (Meeleesclub) for free. At the Taalcafé you talk Dutch with each other on various topics. During the Meeleesclub we read a book together. The teacher reads aloud and you read along. Send an email to if you would like to join.

Free online courses

Want to learn something new? You can also take free online courses with your card. For example, a course in Dutch, Artificial Intelligence or marketing.

Magazines and newspapers

Want to read a newspaper or magazine? At the OBA, we have newspapers and magazines in various languages. From news from Egypt to magazines from Brazil. Come to the library and read them on paper or online.

Borrowing books

Want to borrow a book? We also have books in many languages. Come to the library, choose a book and borrow it with your card. Then you can take the book with you for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, return it to the OBA. You can borrow 20 books at the same time.


There are lots of things to do at the OBA. And many things are free. For example, a jazz concert on Friday. Watching a film on the big screen in the theatre. There's always an exhibition you can check out as well. Come along, meet other people and be surprised.