Become a member with Stadspas

Become an OBA member with your Stadspas

Do you have a Stadspas (City Pass) with a green dot? Then you can get a year's OBA membership free of charge. This will allow you to borrow books, ebooks, periodicals, and more from our extensive collection without having to pay. You can also make use of the computers in our 28 branches free of charge. Additionally, you can always go to our events free of charge or with a big discount.

Please note, it may take a few days for your request to be processed. 

Do you not yet have a Stadspas (City Pass) and do you want to know if you can get one? Look at the website of the municipality of Amsterdam or call 020-252 60 00.

If you already have a membership with your Stadspas you can renew it here.